The Magister Auction Platform provides extensive possibilities to provide potential buyers with all the information they need to make a fair bid.
For each lot in your auction you can provide a title and a description, so the participants in the auction know what you are offering. Descriptions and titles can be entered and adjusted per item on the website, or they can be imported from anther source. In this way importing large amounts of data from your product catalogue or ERP system is easy.
'A picture tells a thousand words'. So being able to show images is very important, especially when you are auctioning second hand or returned goods. Images can be uploaded in bulk, or can be uploaded from any device per lot. A product manager can upload stockphotos and a warehouse manager can quickly add an image using his or her mobile phone. All images are automatically resized in various formats and optimized for internet use to make sure webpages load quickly, and details are provided if and when needed.
STARTing price
A starting price can be provided per item. Participants cannot place bids below the starting price.
Customizable FIELDS
Customizable fields are available per lot to provide additional information. As long as the information is relevant, you can provide it. Relevant information may be: Dimensions, weight, color, product number, etc. Some customizable fields can be hidden from view for auction participants, but can be used for internal reference in later stages after the auction process, for instance, the location ID of various goods in a warehouse.
For each lot a reference value can be provided. This reference value is used in dashboard data to provide insight into the value and success of the individual lots and the auction in general. This value is not visible for auction participants.